Very recently, Muslim terrorists launched a horrific attack on the family of Ms. Moni Karmakar, an Ex-Chairman of the National Women’s Organization, PurbaDhala upazilla and the Vice Chairman of PurbaDhala upazilla in Netrakona district, Bangladesh. Ms. Moni Karmakar was associated with Awami League politics being inspired by Bangabandhu’s ideology. She is a Hindu by religion and associated with Awami League politically. “Is this my crime?” she asked.
Moni Karmakar said “If there is a crime, I am guilty. But my two little son and daughter, what is their crime! They are just school children who have been arrested. And now they tried to kill my mother and sister. My mother’s fingers are cut off. They cut my sister’s throat to slaughter who is now fighting with death. I want justice.”
It can be noted that no one is arrested for these horrific attacks. The Government clearly is directly involved in these crimes as the Police force has arrested the two young children.
Moni Karmakar’s phone number: +880 1401-412428
Description of the attack in Bangla Language on Facebook ———————————
Victims: Ms. Moni Karmakar and family. Local Hindu people. All Hindu people of Bangladesh.
Location of Attack: Purbadhala upazilla, Netrakona district, Bangladesh
Date of the attack: Exact date unknown as of now (waiting for further update)
News media reporting: None (Bangladesh news media grossly avoiding to publish attacks on Hindus)
Social media reporting: Facebook ( posted by someone named আবীর ফেরদৌস )