In the morning of Sunday, January 19, 2025, the dead body of a Hindu female police constable named Trishna Biswas was discovered inside the women’s barracks of Potuakhali Police Lines. The deceased was a 22-year young trainee Police Constable, a Hindu religious minority who joined Bangladesh Police as a new recruit in 2023 and her Bangladesh Police employee ID is (BP-0323251196). She was residing at the barracks as part of her police job.
Trishna’s the dead body of Trishna. The photo of her dead body posted on Facebook clearly shows body hanging from ceiling fan with her lower legs knee down rested on pillows in a bed. This photo is a testament that this cannot be a suicide by hanging.
A good samaritan Ms. Shayala Khan Banna spoke to Trishna’s family and posted the summary of the conversation on Facebook. The murdered Trishna’s maternal uncle, communicated to
Victims: 22-year old murdered Hindu female Trishna Biswas & her family. Hindu minorities.
Place where the dead body discovered: Women’s barracks of Patuakhali Police Lines, Patuakhali district, Barishal division, Bangladesh
Date the dead body discovered: January 19, 2025
News media:
- DhakaTribune (NOTE: Bangladesh news media seldom publishing attacks on Hindu minorities since Aug 5, 2024)
- TripuraInfo (Indian news media)
Social media: Facebook