Hindu child schoolgirl Moni Rani missing after leaving home for school

In the morning of Monday, January 27, 2025, fourteen year old female Hindu child Moni Rani left home  to go to school as she always does on school days. Moni is a 7th grade student at the local Jaylaskar High School. However, she never returned home at the end of school. Moni’s father Ratan Chandra Das shared his phone number urging kind people of the country to call him if anyone sees her or comes to know about her whereabout. 

Analysis and Observation:

It can be noted since August 5, 2024, quite a number of Hindu religious minorities, both children, young adults, and adults have been kidnaped who then have been either converted to Muslim or murdered. For disappearance of each Hindu, at least 9 Muslims should have been disappeared if these attacks were not religiously motivated. However, the reality is that Hindus are being victims of almost all these disappearance incidents which are primarily kidnaps.

The kidnappers are Muslim extremists and are almost always at large being supported by Dr. Muhammad Yunus led Bangladesh Government. Law & Order enforcement organizations namely Police force, Military force, and Judiciary not only are supporting Extremist Muslims but also attacking Hindu religious minorities victimizing the victims further.

Victims: child Moni Rani and her family, Hindu religious minorities of Bangladesh

Location of attack:  North Jaylaskar, Daganbhuiyan upazilla, Feni district, Bangladesh

Date of attack: January 27, 2025

News media: None (Bangladesh media grossly ignoring to report attacks on Hindus)

Social media: Facebook

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নামঃ মনি রানি, পিতাঃ রতন চন্দ্র দাস, বয়সঃ ১৪ বছর, বাড়িঃ উত্তর জায়লস্কর, উপজেলাঃ দাগনভূইয়া, জেলাঃ ফেনী!!

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