Hindu businessman Prankrishna Das severely injured by local Muslim man

On Saturday, December 14, 2024 at 11:10 PM at night, a local Muslim man named Riaz, son of late Mr. Shah Alam, in a terrorist style attacked Hindu businessman Mr. Prankrishna Das. The Muslim man severely injured the Hindu victim. The location of the attack is Dakkshin Khasherhut Bazar in Tojumaddin upazilla of Bhola district.

The details of the attack as narrated by the victim: My name is Prankrishna Das. My house is located in Dakkshin Khasherhut. I have a shop business there. After working at my business the whole day, I was sitting in the shop at night. All of a sudden, at 11:10 PM, a man entered the shop and started beating me indiscriminately. The tailor of my shop was standing beside me. I fell on the floor and was unable to see anything, I lost my consciousness. My brother and other family members came out of the house hearing the screaming, the people from around also came forward and gathered. They pulled me from the floor to a vehicle. I regained my consciousness in a while. I then heard everyone as well as the tailor saying that it was Riaz who attacked me.

The details of the attack as narrated by the tailor: My name is Mohammad Komi, I am local to this area, and I work in the local shops as a tailor. Around 11 PM, he came, his name is Riaz. He told me to remain silent. He took out an iron rod and started beating Dada (elder Hindu brother). He beat Dada using the rod for approximately 10 minutes. He bloodied Dada’s body by beating. He then left. After that, people gathered around as I started screaming.

———————————Description of the attack in Bangla Language——————————

১৪ ই ডিসেম্বর ২০২৪ ইং তারিখ রোজ শনিবার রাত ১১:১০ ঘটিকার দিকে ভোলা জেলার তজুমদ্দিন উপজেলার দক্ষিণ খাসেরহাট বাজারের ব্যবসায়ী প্রাণকৃষ্ণ দাস এর উপর সন্ত্রাসী কায়দায় হাmলা করেন একই এলাকার মৃত শাহে আলমের ছেলে রিয়াজ।
বিস্তারিত ভুক্তভোগীর জবানবন্দীতে শুনুন।
IMPORTANT NOTE: Under the leadership of Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Dr. Muhammad Yunus with the ouster of the Sheikh Hasina government, Hindu religious minorities and Hindu temples are being attacked by majority Muslims on a daily basis since August 4, 2024 across Bangladesh. A single Muslim attacker is yet to be arrested by Bangladesh Government. Bangladesh Military force and Police force are also violently and silently attacking Hindus victimizing the victims further. Military and Police forces have directly attacked Hindu people. Military force and Police force also are playing the role of silent spectator encouraging Muslim civilians to attack and kill Hindus in their presence. Clearly, all these violent attacks on Hindus are happening with full approval of Yunus Government. Muslim attackers are at large in all such attacks on Hindus; a single arrest yet to be made.


Victims: Prankrishna Das and family. Local Hindu religious minorities. All Hindu people of Bangladesh.

Location of Attack: Dakkshin Khasherhut Bazar, Tojumaddin upazilla, Bhola district, Bangladesh

Date of the attack: SaturdayDecember 14, 2024 at 11:10 o’clock at night

News media reporting: None (Bangladesh news media grossly avoiding to publish attacks on Hindus)

Social media reporting: Facebook  (A Facebook group named bholarkantho published on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/bholarkantho/)