Over 100 Hindu houses, businesses, temples looted & vandalized in Sunamganj

On Tuesday night, December 3, 2024, local Muslims alleged that 17-year old teenage Hindu boy Aakash Das, son of Mr. Profulla Das of ManglarGao village of DoaraBazar upazilla in Sunamganj district, posted an image on Facebook around 7:40pm that hurt Muslims’ religious sentiment.

Extremist Muslims ganged up, started demonstration, and marched towards the accused Aakash’s house. Mr. Zahidul Haque, the police officer-in-charge of Dowarabazar Police Station, mentioned that the police took the alleged Hindu youth Aakash Das in custody for his safety. The mob attacked the police team and tried to snatch Aaskah but was not able to.

The frenzy Muslim mob then violently attacked, looted, and vandalized Hindu business, Hindu temples, and more than 100 Hindu houses in the village. Hindu men, women, and children fled for life and took shelter in crop fields, marshes and water bodies.

Khokan Roy, general secretary of Kendriyo Lokenath Mandir in Sunamganj town, said that the mob ransacked the local Lokenath temple and stole valuables worth over Tk 15 lakh. Mr. Roy noted that the violent Muslim mob vandalized almost 100 Hindu houses. President of Upazila Puja Udjaan Parishad Mr. Guru Dey’s house and family temple were vandalized. Per Khokan, the attackers also looted Hindu owned businesses, several gold jewelry stores and shops, all owned by Hindu people.

Rahul Das Ratul, a resident of ManglarGao, noted that the frenzy Muslim mob attacked his neighborhood around 10 o’ clock at night on Tuesday, Dec 3rd. Bangladesh army team arrived only after he dialed 999.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Bangladesh military has put a temporary camp in the village to deter further attacks. Police filed a case under the Cyber Security Act, accusing Aakash Das. A Sunamganj court later sent him to jail.  However, not a single attacker (who are all Muslims) is arrested. In the current Bangladesh led by Dr. Muhammad Yunus, Hindu religious minorities are being violently attacked since August 4, 2024. Hindu people are denied their very basic human right “Right to Life”. 

Victims: Hindu people of ManglarGao village, All Hindu citizens of Bangladesh

Location of Attack: ManglarGao village, DoaraBazar upazilla, Sunamganj district, Bangladesh

Date of the attack: TuesdayDecember 3, 2024

News media reporting: BengalNews24 and  The Daily Star  and dbnews24

Social media reporting: Facebook

সুনামগঞ্জ জেলার দোয়ারাবাজার উপজেলায় এক হিন্দু যুবকের ফেসবুক পোস্টে কমেন্ট নিয়ে উত্তেজনা ছড়িয়ে পরে। মঙ্গলবার (২ ডিসেম্বর) রাতে উপজেলার মোঙলার গাঁওয়ের প্রফুল্ল দাসের ছেলে আকাশ দাসের একটি কমেন্টকে ঘিরে এই উত্তেজনা দেখা দেয়।

এ নিয়ে মুসলিম সস্প্রদায়ের উগ্র লোকজন জড়ো হয়ে বিক্ষোভ করতে করতে অভিযুক্ত আকাশের বাড়ির দিকে রওয়ানা হয়। পরে গ্রামের হিন্দু ঘরবাড়িতে ভাঙচুর, লুটপাট ও হামলা চালায়। হিন্দু সম্প্রদায়ের অনেক নারী ও শিশুরা হাওর, ধান ক্ষেত ও বিলে পালিয়ে গেছেন বলেও জানান স্থানীয়রা। শতাধিক হিন্দু বাড়ি, ব্যাবসা প্রতিষ্ঠান এবং গ্রামের মন্দিরগুলোতে হামলা হয়েছে।