Arson attack burning down Hindu house in Debieganj Bazar, Thakurgaon

At around 9 o’clock at night on Sunday, Feb 23, 2025, some terrorists set ablaze a Hindu house. This is the primary residence of Mr. Ashesh Sarkar, a Hindu religious minority, a teacher by profession in the area. His house is completely burned down due to the arson attack. Watch the video of the blaze posted on Facebook by someone who described the victim as his well respected teacher and a senior brother.

This is not an isolated incident in Thakurgaon district or Bangladesh as such terrorist attacks have now become daily phenomenon in Dr. Muhammad Yunus led Bangladesh since August 5, 2024. Another Hindu house in the area that was the primary residence of one Mr. Ishwar Daktar was burned down on the previous day that is Feb 22, 2o25. Hindu religious minorities are a primary target of such violent attacks who are disproportionately affected. Victims remain silent to avoid further attacks given the perpetrators are almost always are at large being protected by the law enforcement authorities namely the Police, Military and Judiciary of Bangladesh Government.

We, the Hindu religious minorities of Bangladesh, urge the world leaders and the humanity to save our lives and help us stay alive.

Location of attack: Debieganj Bazar, Thakurgaon town, Thakurgaon district, Bangladesh

Date of attack: Feb 23, 2025 at 9 PM

News media: None (Bangladesh media grossly avoiding to report attacks on Hindus)

Social media: Facebook

In Bangla as posted on Facebook:
কি ভাবছেন পুরনো ভিডিও?
– না। এটা আজকের। কিছুক্ষন আগের। আমার শ্রদ্ধ্যেয় শিক্ষক ও বড় ভাই অশেষ সরকার দাদার বাড়ির ঘটনা এটি।
কি ভাবছেন, হঠাৎ করেই হয়েছে?
– না। প্রতিদিন ই হচ্ছে। গতকালকেও একই এলাকার ঈশ্বর ডাক্তার নামের একজনের বাড়িতে আগুন দেওয়া হয়েছে।
তাহলে কেউ কিছু বলছে না কেন?
– সবাই বোবা হয়ে গেছে। হয় আত্নরক্ষায় নয়তো ভয়ে।
দেবীগঞ্জ বাজার, ঠাকুরগাও সদর, ঠাকুরগাও।
রাত: ৯ টা। তারিখ: ২৩/০২/২০২৫।